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Mission, Vision, and History

Mission Statement:

“Empowering individuals to create with intent and live with purpose.”

IHS History and Mission:

The company was born of an interactive healing and life improvement system Aimee Mosco spent years and continues to develop. Co-author, friend and business partner, Don Ferguson, joined forces with Aimee in 2011 to help adapt the life improvement system in efforts to facilitate change on a grander scale for the benefit of not only individuals but for humanity as a whole.

Together, Aimee and Don crafted a vision of what the world would look like if satisfaction, improved health and well-being were enjoyed by all. They have made it their mission to do whatever is necessary within the parameters of possibility, to realize this vision.

The ground floor to manifesting Aimee and Don’s vision includes sharing methods and communications that inspire individuals to shift their beliefs and elevate themselves to a place where it feels natural to connect with love. From this place, human beings gain the opportunity to come together in their thoughts and hearts and create an environment conducive to collective betterment. Aimee and Don knew that this was what they were meant to do.

While it takes some practice and commitment to adjust perceptions, thoughts and emotions to create an atmosphere in which to improve life, it is absolutely possible, and all human beings are wired for it. Aimee and Don remain committed to delivering IHS techniques to the largest audience as possible to lead individuals on a personal step-by-step journey of transformation that will ultimately bring one another together and benefit all of humanity.

Aimee Mosco is a certified Reiki Master, Channel and Co-founder of Intentional Healing Systems, LLC. She currently works as an intuitive who specializes in teaching healing techniques to practitioners and individuals. Aimee’s passion for helping others to help themselves inspired the collaborative project and global healing movement, IHS Unity, created with her co-Author, Don.

Donald L. Ferguson is a successful commercial real estate developer, philanthropist and Co-founder of Intentional Healing Systems, LLC. As a community and business leader, Don serves in different capacities on the boards of several charity organizations, to include the Ferguson Family Foundation, and has found his calling in serving the greater good of humanity.

Their Book

The most powerful force that drives our souls to live and breathe is LOVE… Gratitude + Forgiveness x LOVE = Happiness revisits ancient philosophy through modern views. The authors weave a bridge between spirituality and the practical function of the energy field, empowering the reader to forge this relationship and use the field as a tool with which to calibrate action. The book delivers a simple interactive process and supporting strategy for the willing person to “create” happiness from a foundation of love. Gratitude + Forgiveness x LOVE = Happiness was born of an interactive healing system Aimee has spent years developing. Co-author, Don, joined forces with Aimee in 2011 to help adapt the system in efforts to facilitate healing among large groups. This book represents an introduction to the framework and mind-set beneath this powerful tool of transformation. This book leads the reader on a remarkable step-by-step journey, fostering transformation while showcasing incredible personal experiences of the authors. The true stories shared throughout this book are drawn from the well of Aimee’s psychic exchanges in her intuitive healing work and from Don’s immersion in enlightenment disciplines. Don also shares the secrets to his profound success and long career in the commercial real estate business. The book begins by asking the readers to revisit their “big-picture” perceptions on the meaning of life and the true purpose for incarnation. As the authors share their adopted philosophies related to the concept of incarnation and reincarnation, they reveal the connections between life events and the intricacies of the human energy field. Gratitude + Forgiveness x LOVE = Happiness maps an easy-to-follow trail through the layers of the human energy field. The authors are careful to close the gap between the energy of certain well-recognized thoughts and emotions, and uncharted energetic directives in and among the layers of the field. As the journey unfurls for readers in a directed, comprehensive manner, questions are asked of them. These questions give the readers an opportunity to personalize the journey and actively partake in the transformative practices laid out in the book. The supporting stories and examples detailed in each chapter illustrate the practical application of the information posed. Though many of the stories are extraordinary in nature, it is a matter of course for the authors to remind the readers that absolutely everything is a matter of choice calculated by the soul. The authors waste no opportunity to reinforce the reader’s power to bring their soul’s choices to conscious awareness and alter outcomes using the formula Gratitude + Forgiveness x LOVE = Happiness. Gratitude and forgiveness rewrite your stories and melt your judgments away.

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