Our Gifts to You - Improving My Life - IhSunity
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IHS Unity products

Welcome to our IHS Unity OFFERINGS page! Here is where you will find an array of products that support the individual and collective journey to global Unity.
IhSunity / Our Gifts to You – Improving My Life

Our Gifts to You – Improving My Life


Part of our mission with IHS is to serve humanity. We have created a compendium of resources that we believe delivers value and fits within every budget. We have also curated a collection of content that we offer for free to express our love and gratitude to all living beings and to contribute to the upshift of collective humanity in a heartfelt way.

The following tools are available to you at no cost. If you would like to receive any of these offerings, use the contact form on the “connect” page to request these free tools. Specify which tool you are requesting, and you will receive an email from us containing the tool.

Set of (4) “Improving My Life” Flashcards w/ instructions

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