Meet Aimee Mosco, IHS Unity Co-Founder
We wanted to give you an opportunity to get to know the founders of IHS Unity better. Please enjoy this brief Q&A with IHS Unity co-founder Aimee Mosco.
Where are you from?
I was raised in New Hampshire but I moved to Southern California in the late 80’s for college. After graduating, I lived in Los Angeles for another 9 years, moved to San Francisco, then back to Southern California where I have been since 2003.
Why did you create IHS Unity?
I created IHS Unity from the intent to contribute to the greater good of humanity. I have always been able to see what I call the “divinity” in people. We all have goodness in us but don’t always know where to channel that energy. IHS Unity represents a virtual gathering place where people actively share their divinity energy and bring this world to a higher ground.
How did you meet co-founder of IHS Unity, Don?
Don came to me as a long-distance client. After I shared my healing techniques with him over the course of several sessions, he suggested that we meet in person. He found the techniques so effective that he wanted to explore how they could be taught to larger groups and have a greater impact on humanity.
What did you do before creating IHS Unity?
I was a fashion designer! I worked as a designer for a high-end leather manufacturer in Los Angeles and then went on to start an over-seas handbag manufacturing company. It was a very exciting career with travel around the world, but I often felt as if a critical piece was missing from my puzzle. I felt as if I wasn’t fulfilling some agreement that my soul had made without my awareness. I believe that was my soul prompting me to use my creative talents in ways that would make more of a difference in the world.
Is IHS Unity the only project you are working on?
No, it’s not the only project. My co-founder and I are working on our third book as well as training our first practitioners on the healing system I’ve developed. We are working on a weight release system and creating classes to teach self-healing techniques to individuals. All of our projects fit together under the umbrella of Unity.
What do you wish you knew 10 years ago?
I wish I knew that I would be writing books, developing a healing system and helping people! I would have started a lot sooner had I known what I would be doing.
How do you promote peace in today’s culture?
I live by the words I teach. Our first book is about gratitude, forgiveness and love (“Gratitude + Forgiveness x(Love) = Happiness”). These 3 things, especially when used in combination are a recipe for absolute harmony and peace in this world.
How often do you spread kindness and how?
I have a very special place in my heart for people who are really down and out. When I worked in downtown LA in my twenties I would feel a pit in my stomach as I drove to work and looked at the homeless people lining the streets by freeway entrances. I would think about the fact that they seemed to be forgotten. I wondered when they had the opportunity to feel loved by others. That was the part that bothered me the most about their situations. I felt so helpless as a single person. I knew I didn’t have access to resources that would make their lives easier, so I vowed to send them love. That was what I had to offer. And that is what I still have to offer. I don’t limit my offerings to just those who are down and out now, I send love to people and animals who look like they might need a boost.
What is the hardest lesson you have had to learn this far?
The hardest lesson I have learned is that I can’t take responsibility for others. We are all only in charge of ourselves, and while we can help and guide others, it is not our job to take the pain of others away or carry them to the finish line.
What is the most important quality you seek in others?
Reverence for all living beings. We humans are imperfect, but we have the equipment to make the choice to revere life. Life is sacred and those who treat others (and animals) as being worthy of care and respect represent the foundation of the new Golden Age of Peace.
What is your vision for the future of IHS Unity?
I expect to see the IHS Unity symbol make its way around the globe as a marker for connectivity, harmony and peace without limitations. It is my dream for the IHS Unity symbol and movement to be part of erasing lines of division all over the world.