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IHS Unity Blog Area

Our IHS Unity Blog Area is a great way to stay informed and be inspired. Our articles below are listed by date published, or click on a topic in the Public area.
Our Members Only area provides additional transcripts and member articles.

Shifting your Beliefs to Support New Outcomes

Article written by: Aimee Mosco

Co-founder of IHS Unity / Intentional Healing Systems LLC

Your beliefs speak to your thoughts, your thoughts speak to your emotions and your emotions speak to your body. The reverse is true as well, but if you are looking to make changes in any part of this chain your most effective course of action comes from examining your beliefs as a first measure.

If your beliefs do not support thoughts and emotions that drive the actions you take, it is difficult to achieve a goal.

Becoming Empowered by Taking Responsibility

Article written by: Aimee Mosco

Co-founder of IHS Unity / Intentional Healing Systems LLC

Most of us have childhood memories of an adult shaking a finger at us and saying “You need to take responsibility for yourself.” It is unlikely that this truly inspired you to take responsibility for your actions. In fact, it probably had quite the opposite effect, and worse than that, it may still impact how you view “taking responsibility” today.

Undoing the Past with Forgiveness

Article written by: Aimee Mosco

Co-founder of IHS Unity / Intentional Healing Systems LLC

It’s not a big secret that forgiveness positions us on higher ground. Most human beings know that extending forgiveness represents a chance to lay inner and outer conflict to rest. When forgiveness is granted in an authentic manner, either by you to another person or to yourself, the wounds of the past are given the opportunity to fully heal. Forgiveness is a tremendously powerful tool of transformation.

Honoring Your Journey With Gratitude

Article written by: Aimee Mosco

Co-founder of IHS Unity / Intentional Healing Systems LLC

I say this all the time but it’s something that can’t be over-stated – your perception is your reality. And guess what? You have the ability to adjust your perceptions to create a reality that completely honors you.

Let’s revisit the concept of your soul as an eternal being…

While each of us may only live a single lifetime as the person we are now, as a soul we seize the opportunity to live many different lifetimes in many different scenarios. Reincarnation is a mechanism that allows our soul to experience life as a physical being from multiple different perspectives. Why is that desirable to the soul?

You as an Expression of your Higher Wisdom

Article written by: Aimee Mosco

Co-founder of IHS Unity / Intentional Healing Systems LLC

Look at yourself in the mirror. What you’ll see is eyes, nose, lips, limbs…a body. You know that when you look in the mirror at yourself you are only seeing part of who you are. Everyone knows it’s not possible to see thoughts or beliefs in that mirror image, but those things are a big part of who you are as a person. Your body only tells part of your story just as who you are as a person only tells part of your story as a soul.

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